Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps : * * * * : A movie for people who love Finance and Politics
The movie has its own style with a very good message to people. Of course, as it relating to politics and the financial industry, it's hard for me to tell how this movie experience will be for someone who knows little about either.
There are good dialogues like "If you stop telling lies about me, I will stop telling the truth about you"', "It's not about the money - It's about the game. ", "Payback. Except I'm not in that business anymore - because the one thing I learned in jail is that money is not the prime asset in life. Time is. " and many more. The movie tells us about how corporate world works, bail outs, stock market...
Running on side is a love story between, Shia LaBeouf and Carey Mulligan but there is nothing new to offer in it.
Its a movie which common man might not understand but one who does will become smarter.Its a must for people who are in finance industry but for others its better you stay away form it.
Over all it would give it 4 out of 5 stars for its style, acting and plot.
Take Care :)